STEP: Why The Smart Traveler Enrollment Program Is Important
What is STEP? The Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP) is a free service to allow U.S. citizens and nationals traveling and living abroad to enroll their trip with the nearest U.S. Embassy or Consulate. Why is STEP considered one of the most valuable resources? Not only do you receive important information from the Embassy about safety conditions in your destination country, helping you make informed decisions about your travel plans but in the event of an emergency, whether natural disaster, civil unrest, or family emergency it helps the U.S. Embassy get in contact with you. It pays to be prepared when you're heading out of the country, regardless of when—or where—you travel.
Enrolling in STEP is quick, easy, and free to do. Here’s how to do it -
Step 1: Collect your basic information.
To get started, you’ll need your basic information like your birthday, email address (one you actually use), phone number, passport or passport card number, and contact information for your stateside emergency contacts.
Step 2: Create an account.
Once you have that information on hand, you can create an account on the STEP website.
Step 3: Share your upcoming international trip.
Once your account is set up, you’re ready to enroll in your upcoming trip. You’ll include your destination, travel dates, how you’ll be able to be contacted while you’re there, and the reason for your trip. Once you share those travel details, you should start to receive alerts about where you’re traveling via email as they come up.
Every time you book a new international trip, just go back to your account and enroll it too. It’s a simple rinse and repeat for every overseas adventure you take.
If you don’t have a trip booked at the moment, but you’re thinking about international travel, we recommend that you still sign up for travel advisories for that destination. That way, you can start getting a sense of the area before you book your travel.
For those who opt not to enroll in STEP, the U.S. State Department's alerts and warnings can still be accessed HERE. Additionally, other services like France's SAIP app and Facebook's Safety Check feature provide alerts about attacks or hazardous situations, offering travelers alternative methods to stay informed and connected with loved ones while abroad.
Did you know there is a 24-hour number to reach the U.S. Embassy in emergencies for U.S. citizens traveling abroad? Some U.S. Embassies within the country may be reachable 24 hours a day, however, the main number is available at all times.
From the U.S. or while using a U.S. cellphone
From overseas
Dial 001 or +1, then 202-501-4444